Jujutsu Kaisen
In the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen, hidden in plain sight, an age-old conflict rages on.
Supernatural monsters known as “Curses” terrorize humanity from the shadows, and powerful humans known as “Jujutsu” sorcerers use mystical arts to exterminate them.
When high school student Yuuji Itadori finds a withered finger of the legendary Curse Sukuna Ryoumen, he suddenly joins this bloody conflict.
Struck by a curse drawn by the finger’s power, Yuuji makes a reckless decision to protect himself, gaining the power to combat curses in the process, but also unwittingly releasing the malicious Sukuna into the world once more.
Jujutsu Kaisen
Although Yuuji can control and confine Sukuna within his own body, the Jujutsu world classifies Yuuji as a dangerous, high-level Curse that must be exterminated.